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Our Impact

Over the past ten years, we have served over 1,459 youth in the Tulsa area identifying and addressing gaps that may prevent expectant and parenting teens from finishing high school.

Graduation mom holding son high.

What We Do

On a daily basis, our direct services offer assistance to expectant and parenting students in schools, fostering an inclusive school culture. We empower these students to exercise their educational rights, broaden their post-secondary opportunities, and work towards dismantling systemic barriers, ultimately contributing to their thriving success.

Why We Do It

Strong Tomorrows empowers Tulsa students to foster a culture of social justice and equality, aligning with Title IX regulations. This is particularly crucial as numerous pregnant students encounter discrimination when striving to pursue their public education. The enactment of Title IX in 1972 secured the right for pregnant students to maintain their education in public schools, safeguarding them from expulsion in accordance with federal law.

Proud pregnant student at graduation.

Strong Tomorrows By The Numbers


total students served since 2014.


of enrolled students completed at least 4 child development initiative activities with their child (22-23).


check ins with Site Coordinators conducted last school year (22-23).


of referrals are enrolled. Our referrals are 33% male and 66% female.


school districts are now served. We are currently serving all schools in Tulsa Public Schools and Union Public Schools.


babies served last school year (22-23).

Recent Highlights


Expanded Services to Residents of the Tulsa JDC

In partnership with the Tulsa Juvenile Detention Center, we have served 13 out of 31 residents referred. Custom processes were developed to meet the needs of JDC and expand service beyond Tulsa Public Schools.


Parent Engagement Events for Families

We have partnered with the YWCA, CAP Tulsa, and TBEI  to host family events and activities such as family pool time, story time, botanical lessons, and toy and book distribution for children, as well as providing families with healthy treats from local minority-owned business La Tapatia.


Increased Collaboration with Tulsa Birth Equity

Collaboration with the Tulsa Birth Equity Initiative has been increasing as part of efforts to promote healthy pregnancies and healthy births for expectant teens. Community-based doulas have been a valuable resource in providing guided birth plans tailored to the needs of the mother and her support system.


Expanded Services to Union Public Schools

We are proud to announce that in the 2023-2024 school year, we began services at Union Public Schools. We have a Site Coordinator dedicated to serving Union Freshman Academy, Union High School and Union Alternative School.