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How It Works

Learn about our process from referral to enrollment to graduation, and discover how we support student parents throughout their educational journey.

Proud student mom at graduation walking with son in stride.

Enrollment Process

Referral form

To begin the process, the student or a community member may submit a referral.

Preliminary contact

After a few days, the designated Site Coordinator from our team will verify eligibility and call the student to confirm interest and book an in-person preliminary meeting, that usually an hour or less, held at the student’s school.

In-person info and enrollment meeting

Students are offered more information, may ask questions and enroll with the Site Coordinator by answering questions in the enrollment form. The student is instantly enrolled and has access to our resources and support.

The Strong Tomorrows Experience

1-on-1 weekly check-ins with Site Coordinator

Students meet with their Site Coordinator to gauge needs and guide students to the appropriate support or resource.

Attend 2 group workshops per month

We host educational presentations from community partners on popular and requested parenting-related topics held at school.

Occasional field trips and parent engagement events

Sometimes we attend conferences, kids' events, visit bookstores and more.

Resource support and “Baby Bonus Bucks” incentives

Participation in our program and in school is rewarded with points, which can be redeemed for baby items and supplies.

Graduation and Beyond

Graduation Day

The day has finally come! We will be cheering on our students and take photos to remember their amazing achievement.


We continue to support our students until the next semester begins. The program participation and support are then officially complete, but we still keep in touch and love to see our alumni at future events.

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Current Strong Tomorrows Mom

My case manager helped me and listened to my problems overall just made me feel really comfortable and be able to open up and I appreciate that because it's something I don't do.

Current Strong Tomorrows Mom

It helps me by educating me, encouraging me, and providing me with things me and my baby need.

Current Strong Tomorrows Mom